Saturday, August 1, 2009

Come tomorrow

Over the past couple of months, commuting to & fro from work has been a never ending series of traffic jams. Waiting patiently for the traffic to clear teaches u the art of zen, the way no other teacher can. And so day after day, I stand patiently in the bus, staring into the unseeing beyond, dreaming of the future.
Dreaming of a tomorrow
- where travelling from Point A to Point B using teleportation is reality;
- where I don't have to reach home at midnight and find there are no coffee beans - the container should have sent out a notification and a refill sent across;
- of virtual offices - imagine sitting in a park and coding;
- where software is all it was meant to be, about making life easier for people, not about profit margins and dumbed-down websites. Computers were meant to do much more, tomorrow's internet shouldn't be only about computers talking, it should be about physical objects interfacing.
- where collaboration really means real-time : gwave seem to have got it right but then don't they always. Was re-watching the gwave demo and kinda found cool the bit they had where i can watch a message even as it is being typed. As Lars mentioned, a friend recently complained that given the size of my messages, he got tired of the task bar showing i am typing and typing and typing :)
- where being friends is not equated with sending pokes on facebook and being connected is not about sending a tweet stating u're having dinner and watching 'Friends' (there, think i lost my last friend :)
- where i can pluck out my thoughts and save them somewhere so I can retrieve the thread later;
- a harry potter kind of self-updating newspaper interface with clickable links which allows me to drill down and read associated articles;
- where touch-interfaces are ubiquitous, they're so intuitive, i'd give anything for a software which allows me to pull out objects to build a uml diagram from a dashboard by holding it and dropping it, the mouse never gets it quite right, but that's a personal quirk;
- a robot of my own.

Remember reading about 'Internet of Things' and the concept of 'Ubiquitous computing'. I think I'll like the future when it comes, may not be around, then again, may be around in another form.

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