Saturday, December 16, 2006

An (in)auspicious beginning

Another Saturday in office - Its become a lousy habit, tend to leave loose-ends of work, knowing there's the weekend to bank on.
Had planned to wrap up the SSO stuff I was working on and checking in code for the final release, Murphy and his bloody law played spoilsports.
Bad hair day - the rum thing defies gravity, a packed bus which ensured the i-pod had to stay put in the bag, all our servers experiencing unplanned outage, stabilizer issues in office - the list goes on - and the day has just begun.
Decided to do a bit of documentation, the afore-mentioned stabilizer kicks the bucket and pop goes the PC. Do the unthinkable, pick up the paper and look up my sun sign, half expecting them to write that Uranus had moved into my moon-sign and would wreak havoc or some such - no such luck - Ms.Shirley says my stars are shining bright, job offers from out of town, promotion round the corner (someone forgot to tell these guys that promotions generally happen around april to june :), if u are in a relationship, it will stabilize (hah, wish the blasted stabilizer would stabilize, was that a metaphor?). Well, someone forgot to tell my stars that they ought to be favourable for today.
Ran through the rest of the newspaper - TOI is seriously trash some days, I mean which right-thinking editor would put a front page caption saying 78% Indians agree that God exists, followed by an equally banal discussion on whether God is male or female. No, serious, I have a cutting of this, you never know, it might become one of those rare items which fetch a fortune in some auction.
Speaking of which, would have been richer by at least a few hundred quid, if my mom hadn't thrown out my coin collection, a couple of Onams ago. She actually tried brasso on one of them, chrissake, I nearly ran out to scrounge the dustbin.
Digressing, that's usual with me, the point is, decided to do some serious blogging and then thought why not pen my thoughts down. Which explains this edit, the anonymity of the blog lets you get away with mediocre writing like this.

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